Dowel Jig and Bench Cookie.

More #3d printing. Top is a dowel jig and the bottom is a bench cookie.
from Instagram

I have been 3d printing many things.  It seems there isn’t a weekend that goes by where  the printer isn’t melting plastic.  Usually, I am downloading objects from Thingiverse that help other projects.  These are two things that I plan on using.  A dowel jig can help align glueups.  It is a simple jig to clamp on a piece of wood and use a hand drill to make a hole for a dowel.  The other piece is a bench cookie.  It holds a piece of woodwork off of the bench for sanding and finishing.  These are new to me and we’ll see how well they work.

Bora WTX guide. 100" is enough.

Bora WTX guide.  100" is enough.
from Instagram

Breaking down plywood or other sheet goods has been a chore for me.  So much so that I try hard to avoid using them.  The Bora WTX Guide and saw plate has made cutting easier.  Using it on a table with foam sacrificial foam underneath means the task is to put the guide where the cut should happen.  The largest chore with this tool is calculating the offset.  This is not a guide to be set directly on the cut line.  Depending how the saw is set, or mounted in the optional plate, there is a little planning needed.  I set my saw blade to be 1.5” to the center of the kerf.  That means I need to think about the piece I am keeping and plan accordingly.  Overall, for the price, it is a decent tool.  I have never used a track saw, so I cannot compare.  After some practice, I am happy with the Bora.